The 2016 Hole in the Wall Tour held on June 11th was another successful fundraiser and an enjoyable day spent in the Hole in the Wall country. We could not do it without the support of so many, and would like to thank the following speakers, volunteers, and landowners for making the tour possible:
- Historical Speakers: Colin Taylor, Dwayne Christensen, Bill Betensen, and Brock Hanson
- Landowners: Crago Family, Dave and Cindy Soppe, Gosney Ranch, Wold Ranch and Reichendieffers, Larry Vignerolli
- Lunch/Breakfast Ladies: Robin Petty, Susan Anderson, Dixie McIntyre, Lois Summer, Cheryl Summer, and Paula Hanson
- Porta-Pottie Driver: Gordon Herring
- EMT’s: Casey Cheser and sister Mandy
- Morning Set up: Raymon Turk, Becky Renkert, Bill McIntyre, Betty and Bob Furnival
- Drivers/Helpers on the Tour: Bill McIntyre, Jim Anderson, John Hanson, Donna and Tom Pfielsticker
- Dean Lund for fixing the roads the last two years so they were fine this year due to his work the previous years